We are now pleased to offer mobile massage treatments in the Moncton area.

Mobile massage therapy allows for a massage treatment in the comfort of your own home. Have you ever had it happen where you've had a good massage and just want to pass out, but you have to go out into -25 degree weather in the snow and drive home for 15 minutes causing you to re-tense those neck and back muscles as you nervously grasp your steering wheel and check your blind spots completely ruining that bliss you just felt? Mobile massage is the answer to your problems. Let me do the driving through the snowy, icy, cold roads while you plop into bed and have the best rest of your life.

On a more serious note a mobile massage with a quality registered massage therapist is a great solution for people with low mobility or those who are immunocompromised and do not want to risk going out into public. Whether your goal is therapeutic, relaxation, or somewhere in between mobile massage is a great option to make the most out of your treatments.

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Rated 5 Stars on Sunlife's Lumino Health Platform Click Here to see more!

Mobile Massage – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a Mobile Massage?

You can book a mobile massage by calling the clinic at (506)-871-5144

How far out will you drive?

We serve an area of up to 25 minutes from our clinic at 45 Queen Street, Moncton, NB. If you would like a treatment further out please contact us at (506)-871-5144. We may consider going further out for a fee to cover the extra travel time and gas.

What do I need on my end?

In order to perform a mobile massage treatment I need enough room to set up a massage table with about 1 foot of clearance on each side which works out to about 8 ft long x 4.5 ft wide. We also request that you provide your own sheets in order to reduce the chance of cross contamination during travel. A massage table and oil bottles are easy to sanitize on site before a treatment with disinfectant wipes to ensure proper sanitation, sheets aren't as simple.

What sanitation efforts are you making to keep me safe?

As stated above every effort is made to keep you safe. The massage table and oil bottles are sanitized before and after each treatment. If I experience any symptoms of Covid-19 (or any disease for that matter) I will call to cancel your appointment and give you the option of re-booking with priority. Likewise I request that if you have any symptoms you call to cancel at least 1 hour prior to your appointment ideally.

I booked an appointment. What can I expect?

I will aim to be 10-20 minutes early to each appointment just in case traffic happens or I have to go overtime to address last minute issues. Please have your intake form that will be emailed out to you prior to your first appointment filled out so that we can get started right away. I will call the number you left while booking to confirm that you are available for your appointment before I leave.

Why does a mobile appointment cost more than a 60 dollar in-clinic appointment?

The price of a mobile rmt appointment has travel time and gas taken into consideration while calculating the prices. If I were to do 2 60 minute mobile appointments it would take up to an hour of driving in between depending on how far the appointments are from each other. I leave 45 minutes between each appointment to facilitate clean up and driving to the next one. If I were to stay in-clinic I would be able to fit 3 whole appointments into that time-frame. Our prices are similar to other mobile registered massage therapy treatments like those found on Massago.

If driving time is taken into consideration, is there a discount if I do multiple treatments at the same house?

Absolutely. Unlike large corporate chains like Massago or Massage Addict; each mobile rmt massage treatment after the first at the same location on the same day is done at a 15 dollar discount if done back to back.

Does insurance cover mobile treatments?

The short answer is yes. I am a fully registered massage therapist with the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick; as such, any massage treatment I give will be covered the same as an in-clinic treatment. This does mean however that if your insurance company requires a doctor's referral in order to cover an rmt massage treatment you will still need one.

Does it matter if I have pets?

I'm not bothered by pets in the slightest, but would ask if at all possible to keep them out of the treatment room during the treatment as some pets can get defensive if they see people getting close to their pet-parents.

Do you have any plans on expanding the amount of days you do mobile treatments?

We have just opened recently and are still gauging interest in both types of treatments. If we have a lot more interest in mobile massage treatments vs in-clinic treatments than we will consider adding another mobile treatment day (at the cost of removing an in-clinic day).

Questions not covered here?

Feel free to reach out at (506)-871-5144 or chantel@adamsugrimrmt.com . We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about mobile massage therapy as soon as we can.